1/2005- Present: Lerner Child Development - Washington, DC Metro Area

  • Child development and parenting guidance to parents of children birth to 6 years including home visits

  • School observations and collaboration with school personnel to support children in the classroom

  • Parent workshops for local early childhood programs

  • Teacher training for local early childhood programs

10/2012- Present: Preschool Mental Health Consultation - Temple Rodef Shalom Preschool (Falls Church, VA); NASA Goddard Child Development Center; Greenbelt Children’s Center; St. Matthews Child Development Center (Bowie, MD): B’nai Tzedek Early Childhood Center (Potomac, MD)

  • Provide consultation to teachers on issues related to child development

  • Observe children in the classroom setting to assess challenges and provide guidance to teachers

  • Meet with families to provide guidance on issues related to the child’s functioning in the school setting

  • Provide trainings for staff and teachers on child development issues

1/2005- Present: Child Development Consultant - Children’s Pediatricians and Associates, Washington, DC

  • Provide developmental and behavioral guidance and support to parents of children ages 0-6

  • Provide training to pediatric residents on early childhood development


  • Served as an advisor for parent-focused projects

  • Advised all program areas on messaging to parents

  • Led projects that involved incorporating parenting messages and information via popular media (

  • Created content directed to parents

  • Wrote blog for PBS Parents

5/1997-5/2015:  DIRECTOR OF PARENTING RESOURCES - ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families       

  • Developed education materials that translated the science of early childhood to provide parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers tools and information for promoting their children’s healthy social, emotional and cognitive development.

  • Provided information and consultation to the media about issues related to and affecting young children and families.

  • Collaborated with other non- and for-profit organizations to get importance messages about early development out to diverse parent audiences.

8/10-1/2013:  Columnist for Parenting Early Years Magazine

  • Member of magazine’s Advisory Board

  • Contributed to column on young children’s behavior

  • Wrote feature articles

8/02-1/09:  Columnist for American Baby Magazine

  • Wrote Your Baby’s Development Column

  • Member of magazine’s advisory board

5/95-5/97: Child Development Specialist - Kaiser Permanente North Capital Pediatrics Department, Washington, DC (A project funded by ZERO TO THREE)

  • Provided developmental, behavioral and psychosocial screening, information and guidance to families of infants and toddlers as an integral member of the pediatric provider team.

  • Connected families with appropriate community resources including family support services, counseling and early intervention.

  • Trained and supervised by Dr. Stanley Greenspan and Serena Weider, Phd.

11/91-7/95: Family and Child Psychotherapist - Child Center and Adult Services, Rockville, Maryland

  • Provided psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families.

  • Provided parent guidance, education and support

  • Led Adolescent Girls’ Group

  • Co-led Adolescent Boy’s Group

  • Gave psycho-educational talks on a variety of parenting issues to community groups.

 5/89-11/90: Family and Child Psychotherapist - Northern Virginia Family Services, FallsChurch, Virginia

  • Provided psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families.

  • Developed and co-led couples, adolescent and pre-adolescent groups

  • Provided psychotherapy for high-risk adolescents at local high school.

4/89-2/90: Social Worker - St. John’s Child Development Center, Washington, DC

  • Provided consultation/education to teachers and parents around understanding and promoting their infants and toddlers social and emotional development.

  • Performed needs assessments for families and helped connect them with appropriate resources.

  • Wrote psychosocial and development assessments for children.

  • Led parent groups.

6/87-1/89: Family and Child Psychotherapist- Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services: Queens Preventive Services Program, Forest Hills, New York

  • Provided individual psychotherapy for children and parents, parent counseling, family therapy and couples counseling.

  • Developed and co-led parent group.

  • Wrote comprehensive psychosocial assessments.

  • Acted as advocated to obtain services for clients

  • Participated in comprehensive in-service training program.

  • Chosen to serve on division-wide clinical planning conference and UJA Fundraising Campaign Committee.

 8/84-8/85: Child and Family Support - Parents and Children Together (PACT) Detroit, MI

  • Paid fieldwork supplemented by related post-graduate academic work at Wayne State University.

  • Provided home-based counseling to low-income families with abused and/or neglected children. Responsibilities included life skills counseling, parent guidance and referral to community resources.

  • Wrote quarterly bio-psychosocial family assessments.

  • Submitted reports and made recommendations to juvenile court.


1/86-6/87: M.S.W. - New York University Graduate School of Social Work

8/84-8/85: Infant Mental Health Certificate - Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

  • Academic work supplemented paid field work as part of a joint program (see RELATED EMPLOYMENT-”PACT”)

  • Coursework included: Child Abuse and Neglect, Family studies, Childrearing and Home-based Intervention.

9/80-5/84: B.A., Psychology-University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

  • Graduated with High Distinction

PUBLICATIONS (Not Inclusive):

Resources for Parents:

  • PBS KIDS for Parents:

  • Daddy Matters (2017):,

  • Lerner, C. (2014). Magic of Everyday Moments: Seeing is Believing- This series focuses on how, through interactions with your baby during everyday moments, you can support your baby's social, emotional and development:, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2012). Love you no matter what: The impact of separation and divorce on young children and their families. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2012). On your lap, in your heart: A series of ten resources for grandparents. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Available online at:

  • Lerner, C., & Parlakian, R. [producers]. (2011). Little kids, big questions: A podcast series. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Available online at:

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2009). From baby to big kid: A monthly e-newsletter for parents of children aged birth to three. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Available online at:

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2009). Challenging behaviors from birth to three [a set of online resources exploring the antecedents of and suggested parent responses to challenging behaviors common to the infant-toddler period]. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Available online:

  • Parlakian, R., Lerner, C., & Im, J. (2008). Getting ready to read: Helping your child become a confident reader and writer from birth. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2008). Your child’s development [set of resources covering development from birth to three]. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., & Parlakian, R. [co-producers]. (2007). Learning happens [DVD of parent-child interactions]. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007). Everyday ways to support your infant and toddler’s everyday learning. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007). School readiness interactive: An online tool to track early development from birth to three. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Available online at:

  • Lerner, C., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Healthy from the start: How feeding nurtures your child’s body, heart, and mind. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2006). Early arrival: Finding the magic of everyday moments with your baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R. (2004). Early literacy and very young children. Zero to Three, 25(1), 37-44.

  • Im, J., Lerner, C., Parlakian, R., & Eggbeer, L. (2006). I’m here for you now [children’s board book for to help toddlers cope with parental separation due to deployment]. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., & Dombro, A.L. (2005) Bringing up Baby: Three steps to making good decisions in your child's first years. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., & Ciervo, L. (2004) Getting ready for school begins at birth: How to help your child learn in the early years. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE

  • Tortora, S, Lerner, C., & Ciervo, L. (2004) On the move: The power of movement in your child's first three years. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., & Greenip, S. (2004) The power of play: Learning through play from birth to three. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Levine-Gelb Communications, Lerner, C., & Ciervo, L. (2002) Getting in tune: The powerful influence of music on young children's development. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE

  • Lerner, C., & Dombro, A. (2000) Learning and Growing Together: Understanding and Supporting Your Child’s Development

  • Lerner, C., (2002 – 2009). Your Child’s Behavior. American Baby magazine.

 Resources for Early Childhood Professionals:

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2012). Born ready to learn—0-12 months, 12-24 months, 24-36 months. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., Ciervo, L., & Parlakian, R. (2012). Little kids, big questions: Using technology to inform and support parents and professionals. Zero to Three, 32(3), 4-5.

  • Lerner, C., & Parlakian, R. [co-producers]. (2011). Learning happens II [DVD of parent-child interactions]. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2010 March). Beyond twinkle, twinkle: Using music with infants and toddlers. Young Children: Journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children,65(2), 14-19. Available online:

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007 May). Promoting healthy eating habits right from the start. Young Children: Journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 62(3), 60-62.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007). Early steps to school success: Home visiting curriculum. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007). Early steps to school success: Parent-child groups. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., & Parlakian, R. (2007) Learning happens: 30 video vignettes of babies and toddlers learning school readiness skills through everyday interactions. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., Lerner, C, & Im, J. (2007). Cradling literacy at home: A home visiting curriculum. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Zbar, L. & Lerner, C. (2002) Learning through observation video package. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., Dombro, A.L., & Powers, S. (2000/2001) Learning and growing together kit. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Lerner, C., Pawl, J., & Dombro, A.L. (2001) Learning & growing together with families video package. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

Professional Curricula - ZERO TO THREE:

  • Kinser, Kathy., Parlakian, R., Lerner, C. (in progress). Early Connections: A Parent Education Curriculum From ZERO TO THREE. Washington, D.C., ZERO TO THREE.

  • Bohlander, A., Lerner, C., & Thompson, R. (Eds.) (2017). The growing brain: From birth to five years old: A curriculum for early childhood providers. Washington, D.C., ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2010, 2012, revised). Gather round: A parent-child early literacy curriculum. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007). Early steps to school success home visiting curriculum. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. (2007). Early steps to school success: Parent-child groups. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. Through the Lens of Culture: Using Video to Better Understand Families’ Values, Beliefs, and Choices. Birth to Three Institute, August 2008.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. Learning Happens: How Parents Nurture Children’s School Readiness Through Everyday Activities. ZERO TO THREE’s National Training Institute, December 2007.

  • Parlakian, R., & Lerner, C. Learning Happens: How Parents Nurture Children’s School Readiness Through Everyday Activities. Birth to Three Institute, June 2007.


  • Liaison to American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Early Childhood Development, Adoption and Dependent Care (2007 to 2016)

  • Member of NASW

  • Member of National Parenting Education Network Advisory Council

  • Member of Editorial Board of Parenting: The Early Years magazine

  • Advisor to the Mt. Sinai Parenting Center